суббота, 4 октября 2014 г.

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Less scary more talented more talented candidate from Thursday night showa challenging but , kind-hearted 16 - year-old rapper called Johnny Maxwell, who admire an original song that prompted Demi Lovato performed his swag and tell LA Reid, he was exactly what we need. Jason Brock, a chatty 32 - year-old technical support guy began to seem strange, but won the judges about his take on Billy Joel's New York State of Mind download Real Alarm Clock - HD Ver2 apk . Perfectly perfectly Amazing, Reid added, . Your voice is a songwriter 's best friend Lovato said it was one of the easiest Jas given given. - Thirteen-year-old Cutie Carly Rose Sonenclar that totally shocked everyone by singing a very mature-sounding rendition of Nina Simone's Feeling Good . Miss Thing. You're a little diva, Spears said approvingly. Cowell than Sonenclar a star and Reid said, may be 13, but your soul is old. - Lovato said possessed possessed , a word Sonenclar Demi Lovato is obsessed with you. People repeatedly on their way out the door.

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