Weather Models
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View weather maps for the UK and Europe from the excellent Wetterzentrale website on your android device. Supports the major weather models, GFS, ECMWF and UKMO plus GEFS ensemble diagrams, GFS meteograms and FAX charts.
Set the stored location used for GFS ensembles and meteograms either by using the device's location sensors or by placename lookup.
Navigate to the next or previous chart or skip directly to any chosen hour. Animate any chart series.
The buttons on ensembles and meteogram screens are:
"Model" - change the model being displayed.
"Set to Current Location" - set the stored location to that reported by the device's location sensors (GPS/Wifi).
"Set Location to" - set the stored location by doing a placename lookup on the name entered in the text box below.
"Show on map" - launch google maps showing the stored location. This feature is provided to verify the placename lookup was as expected.
The buttons on weather map screens are:
"Model" - change the model being displayed.
"Chart" - change the chart type within the current model.
"Skip to" - go directly to a selected hour within the current chart series.
Additionally prev/next buttons navigate forward and backward through the series and play/stop buttons turn animation on and off.
Future development:
Zoom controls on displayed charts.
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