HD Light - Apex, Nova, ADW, GO
Download .apk
★ 1400+ HD flat fancy white icons for your phone (144x144)
★ Launchers support: Apex, Nova, Holo, Adw, Action, Go, Cancel, Smart and many more (not tested)
★ Works with every launcher using unicon
★ Many alternative icons to chose
★ 16 HD Wallpapers
★ Ability to change your app theme (Holo and Holo.Light)
★ Languages: DE, ES, FR, IT, RU, PT, BR and SR
★ Updates 1-2 per week
★ Simple and minimalistic app interface in Holo style
You can also apply icons from launcher settings, if that launcher do not have apply button inside the app
Follow latest updates,new projects and get more wallpapers on social networks
Google + - http://ift.tt/1dvX2cg
Twitter - http://ift.tt/1dvX1VY
Facebook - http://ift.tt/1dvX2ce
You can see all the icons here
Checkout my other apps on Google Play
Check out my amazing themes on XDA
You do not see your desired icons in the pack?
Please send me your icons requests on the email including Google Play links and ill add them in future updates
If you notice any bugs, please contact me, so I can fix it!!!
v1.8.2 - 29.12.2013.
- added 75+ new icons
- revised several icons
- fixed many activities
- fixed minor bugs
v1.8.0 - 22.12.2013.
- added 50+ HD icons
- fixed many activities
v1.7.8 - 14.12.2013.
- added 65+ HD icons
- fixed many activities
v1.7.6 - 11.12.2013.
- fixed Action Launcher apply button
- fixed some bugs
v1.7.5 - 08.12.2013.
- added 70+ HD icons
- revised 6+ icons
- added few alternative icons
- all icons are alphabetically sorted now
- fixed many activities
- fixed some bugs
v1.7.4 - 01.12.2013.
- added 130+ HD icons
- revised 5+ icons
- fixed some activities
v1.7.2 - 25.11.2013.
- added 50+ HD icons
- revised 15+ icons
- fixed some activities
- fixed some bugs
v1.7.0 - 14.11.2013.
- added 50+ HD icons
- revised 15+ icons
- fixed some activities
v1.6.5 - 07.11.2013.
- added 55+ HD icons
- revised 15+ icons
- added support for Android 4.4
- added Android 4.4 activities
- fixed some broken icons
v1.6.3 - 31.10.2013.
- added 50+ HD icons
- revised 15+ icons
- app is cleaner now
- fixed many activities
v1.6.0 - 27.10.2013.
- added 20+ HD icons
- revised 10+ icons
- some changes for Nova launcher
- fixed some bugs
v1.5.8 - 23.10.2013.
- added 55+ HD icons
- added 10+ alternative icons
- new phone icon, KitKat style
- now you can see newly added icons
- fixed some bugs
v1.5.5 - 18.10.2013.
- added 80+ HD icons
- added 25 HD alternative icons
- added 3 new HD wallpapers
- some icons revised
- fixed some broken activites
v1.5.0 - 12.10.2013.
- added 50+ HD icons
- some revised icons
- added BRA translation
- fixed some bugs
v1.4.3 - 08.10.2013
- added 55+ HD icons
- fixed bugs
- fixed broken activities
v1.4.0 - 04.10.2013.
- added 100+ HD icons
- added 6 new HD wallpapers
- some icons has been revised
- fixed a lot of broken icons
- fixed some bugs
- fixed broken activities
v1.3.6 - 27.09.2013.
- added 10+ HD icons
- fixed some major bugs
- fixed broken activities
v1.3.5 - 26.09.2013.
- added 45+ HD icons
- fixed some double icons
- revised some icons
- fixed some broken activities
- fixed bugs
v1.3.0 - 22.09.2013.
- added 60 HD icons
- added 3 drawer buttons (more to come in next releases)
- revised clock icon
- revised calendar icon
- small changes in app layout
- added changelog and rate buttons in menuoverflow
- fixed some broken activities
- fixes some icons
- fixed some bugs
Download .apk
From now Universal has only said that they like the project, but just do not fit into their business model at this time. When you consider they also passed on the Mountains of Madness by Guillermo del Toro and are getting of Scott from Scott Pilgrim vs free HD Light - Apex, Nova, ADW, GO 1.8.4 torrent download . The World performance at the box office last year, this is not too surprising. However, it is still disturbing. Here's hoping other studio has the money and the balls to put the pieces of The Dark Tower to pick up off the ground and get this project moving sooner than later. In the meantime, it sounds like Ron Howard Rush much time before they will have to make to the Dark Tower.
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